+36 (30) 333 2728
DentAdmin 3
The purpose of Our development is

To develop the next generation of system administration of Dentadmin 2, which is currently used in more than 150 dental offices. The Dentadmin 3 dental software is a complete digital record of images and X-ray images, graphical dental status,accurate, precised OEP dental administration software compatible, and modular design.

DentAdmin 3
What is the Denatadmin 3?

A DentAdmin 3 egy komplex fogászati szoftver, melynek bevezetésével egy kézi kartonnyilvántartást használó fogorvosi rendelőben az adminisztrációra fordított idő átlagosan a felére csökken, a folyamatok egyszerűvé, áttekinthetővé és kontrollálhatóvá válnak.

DentAdmin 3
Who do we reccomend?

For private and/ or financed by OEP praxis dentists and for having several dental enterprise in different places, and for clinics.

DentAdmin 3
Safe and cost efficiency plan

The Dentadmin 3 hungary's first fully integrated software which can manage the German insurance companies requirement for the quotation price templates, one quotation = 60 seconds.

DentAdmin 3
Easier administration

The Dentadmin 3 has a built-in digital imaging interface via the system autmatically adds the name of the patinet's to the remote software, you only need to press the starter button. The rsult images are tranferred to the Dentadmin 3 as well, so it can be seen in the dentist's office immediately next to the patient's chart.

DentAdmin 3
Tracking the expiration of controll time

Szeretné, ha a rendszer automatikusan értesítené a pácienst, ha járt a rendelőben fogkő eltávolításon és eltelt közben fél év? Esetleg figyelmeztessük a műgyökér beültetésen átesett pácienseket a műtét után egy évvel? A szoftver kigyűjti Önnek egy listában, vagy akár beavatkozás nélkül kiküldi az üzeneteket.

What is the Dentadmin 3? The installation of the DentAdmin 3 complex dental software in a dental office using the cardboard register system, the time spent on the administration is reduced in half, the process will be easier, transparent and controlled.
Who do we reccomend? For private and/ or financed by OEP praxis dentists and for having several dental enterprise in different places, and for clinics.
How much is it? The cost of the software is determined in a so called licence price so basically it depends on how many computer you use the software. The more computers you use, the less price of the licence is.

Software support

Screenshot from Dentadmin3 system
Help desk application
You can download Helpdesk application from our website. For downloading, please enter the verification number.

Free of charge telephone customer service on weekdays from 8 to 16 hour.
Free of charge remote login via Internet on weekdays 8-16 hour
In case of unavoidable error of personal field work within 24 hours (extra costs for the field-work and wage)

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Dental office with using Dentadmin3
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